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AMD A4-9120 vs. AMD A10-5750M

Cpu Benchmark with benchmarks

AMD A4-9120
AMD A10-5750M
AMD A4-9120 AMD A10-5750M
2.20 GHz Frequency 2.50 GHz
2.50 GHz Turbo (1 Core) 3.50 GHz
2.20 GHz Turbo (All Cores) 3.50 GHz
2 Cores 4
No Hyperthreading ? No
No Overclocking ? No
normal Core architecture normal
AMD Radeon R3 (Stoney Ridge) GPU AMD Radeon HD 8650G
12 DirectX Version 11
3 Max. displays 2
DDR4-2133 Memory DDR3-1866
1 Memory channels 2
8 GB Max. Memory
-- L2 Cache --
2.00 MB L3 Cache 4.00 MB
3.0 PCIe version
8 PCIe lanes
28 nm Technology 32 nm
FP4 Socket FS1r2
15 W TDP 35 W
AMD-V Virtualization AMD-V
Q2/2017 Release date Q2/2013
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Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 73 (22%)
22% Complete

Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 210 (2%)
2% Complete

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 407 (18%)
18% Complete

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 1081 (2%)
2% Complete

iGPU - FP32 Performance (Single-precision GFLOPS)

The theoretical computing performance of the internal graphics unit of the processor with simple accuracy (32 bit) in GFLOPS. GFLOPS indicates how many billion floating point operations the iGPU can perform per second.

AMD A4-9120 168 (1%)
1% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 553 (3%)
3% Complete

Geekbench 3, 64bit (Single-Core)

Geekbench 3 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 1732 (25%)
25% Complete

Geekbench 3, 64bit (Multi-Core)

Geekbench 3 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 4525 (5%)
5% Complete

Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Single-Core)

Cinebench 11.5 is based on the Cinema 4D Suite, a software that is popular to generate forms and other stuff in 3D. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 0.88 (25%)
25% Complete

Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Multi-Core)

Cinebench 11.5 is based on the Cinema 4D Suite, a software that is popular to generate forms and other stuff in 3D. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.

0% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 2.19 (4%)
4% Complete

Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark

Some of the CPUs listed below have been benchmarked by CPU-Benchmark. However the majority of CPUs have not been tested and the results have been estimated by a CPU-Benchmark’s secret proprietary formula. As such they do not accurately reflect the actual Passmark CPU mark values and are not endorsed by PassMark Software Pty Ltd.

AMD A4-9120 1968 (2%)
2% Complete
AMD A10-5750M 3278 (3%)
3% Complete
AMD A4-9120 vs. AMD A10-5750M - Cpu Benchmark Specs & Test
4.7 of 36 rating(s)
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